We Believe in Doing our Part
To Make the Community a Better Place to Live
Low Impact believes in helping the community through donations and volunteer efforts. Each and every year Low Impact donates their time and efforts to improve the lives of those around them. Low Impact is proud of their community involvement and strives to make a difference.
For years Low Impact has sponsored all kinds of sport programs including baseball, hockey, football, soccer and rodeo. We’ve sponsored Peace Country music star Tenille and her Play It Forward Cross Canada School Tour as well as an on-going sponsorship to the Sunrise House – A Peace Country children’s shelter. We’ve assisted in Santa’s Anonymous and many other charities.
We are good friends of the Valleyview Petroleum Society and other recreational sports we believe help to build a better community. We sponsor such things as “Draw to the Button” at the local curling bonspiels, A “Corn Boil” at the local golf tournaments and ongoing sponsorships to local development, recreation and more.